
let me take you down memory lane

you're probably wondering why i have a picture of weet-a-bix ...well i was eating some weet-a-bix today and i just remembered all these things of when i was childhood. And i had a little epiphany. Like weet-a-bix is one of my favoite foods ok, and i was like i think i love it so much b/c it reminds me of when i was a child. Each spoon of it i put in my mouth a memory pops up. Mannn i had ate weet-a-bix EVERY morning before i went to school. SHOUTOUTS to aunty aina for always having it ready for me, and my mommy for making sure a 24 pack of weet-a-bix always stayed in the pantry. When i really wanted to be full i would only put a little little bit of milk in it and warm it for 2mins so it could really thick. When i wanted to just be normal i would put a normal amount of milk in it and warm it for like a 1min or 1min30. When i wanted to feel grown i wouldn't warm it, i'd just eat it cold b/c that's how my older brothers ate it the few times they did. I get reminded of the days when i went to village school. i was so cooooolll cause of my older brother lol. EVERYBODY knew who i was. i was the only 1st grader who 8th graders would run down the hallway and hug. i get reminded of the times during the weeekend when it was time for laundry, and i had to make sure i had 5 pairs of socks to wash b/c if i had anything less i would get chewed out! it reminds me of my house in Garnet Falls :/ ...when i was in my first room my original room the lime green room w/ my name spelled out on the walls. i get reminded of the time when my mom would lock the BIG pantry so no one would take food out of there b/c there was too many ppl in that house lol. and the list surely does go on :)) i FREAKING MISS THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE.

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